You have a place at the Table!

Live Nativity
Usually held the second weekend in Advent. Follow us on Facebook or visit here for more information.
Live Nativity has been a growing tradition in the life of the church and our neighborhood. The nativity is presented in one show beginning at 6:30 p.m. Beginning at 6:00 p.m., we offer cookies and hot chocolate and plenty of time to pet the animals (goats, cow, donkey, and maybe a camel) and fellowship.
During the show, the scripture stories of Christ's birth are read, the characters come out and the scene comes alive, you'll be asked to join in some traditional carols. Once all the characters are present, there is a brief meditation and time to take pictures and live in the moment. The characters will exit and the show concludes. The show lasts about 40-45 minutes. People may drive by to view the scene; however, getting out and experiencing this inspirational event is strongly suggested.
Community members are welcome to participate in the pageant (look for announcements on Facebook). There is no cost or obligation to attend; however, canned foods and warm gently-used clothing donations are welcome. All donations will go to the Center of Life.
Community involvement is encouraged.
If you are alone, hungry, or homeless on December 25, please join us for brunch.
The Christmas Brunch for the Homeless and Lonely began in 2017 to remind us of what Christmas is truly about - God coming to heal the sick, feed the hungry, set free the captives, and gather the lonely and outcast. We want to reinforce Christ's teaching by sharing Christ's love through a meal and fellowship. Open to anyone.
This year we will host the brunch on Sunday, December 25. So, please come out to enjoy some worship and fellowship and celebrate the Good News during Christmas.
Our menu includes a variety of breakfast casseroles, fresh fruit, orange juice, milk, and coffee. Those who dine in can eat as much as they want. We also pass out stockings filled with toiletries, socks, washcloths, fresh apples and oranges, and hard candy.
Community Dinners "FREE DINNER"
We are a church set on making bridges and not walls. The Community Dinner is a long-standing Christian practice to invite people into a relationship with each other, their community, and Jesus Christ. Through eating a meal, Jesus broke down the barriers of this world and built bridges with people in ministry and in faith. We return to this ancient practice to rebuild our relationship with Mineral Wells and to discover where we might serve our neighbor in better ways. We hope you will join us.
Community Partners
Since 2016, after we moved our food pantry to Center of Life, we have provided assistance through the Center and other organizations which help the working poor and homeless.
We provide a hot lunch for those who hunger on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Donations and volunteers for this project are welcome.
Pastor Brian also sits on the Advisory Board for the Public Library and is excited to promote opportunity through the gift of literacy and equitable access to the entire public.
Public School Ministry
Pastor Brian is a member of the Pastors for Texas Children and a full-time 4th-grade teacher at Travis Elementary School. PTC advocates for public education through faith and political advocacy. He will advocate for your child and your family.
Pastor's Fund
Our emergency funds are extremely limited. Needs are high in Mineral Wells.
Pastor's Fund Policy
The Pastor's Fund policy establishes guidelines to evaluate, assist, and follow up with individuals and families in emergency situations:
- heating/cooling bills, food shortages, and temporary shelter (in extreme weather events)
All requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis following established protocols.
Funds will only be distributed if funds exist in the Pastor's Fund.
Assistance may only be given if the individual or family has been denied funds by the Center of Life or other helping agencies (please call other agencies first - we will need their name and number to verify).
Bills and shelter needs are paid directly to the company. Grocery assistance will be given in a prepaid card, or a preselected menu will be purchased for the requestor.
We do not assist with gasoline, prescription drugs, medical expenses, rent, cable/internet bills, or telephone bills.